This initiative is divided in 4 different work packages as represented in the figure below:
Here you can find a description of each work package:
Work package 1: Mapping the use of (big) data in the innovation process
This work package focuses on mapping Talpa’s creative innovation processes (CIPs) to pinpoint those moments where data can support inspiration to realize format innovation. Where creativity is concerned with the generation of new and useful ideas, innovation is about implementing creative ideas successfully. Although research about media production shows the benefits of, for example, organizational design, routines and collaboration networks, little is known about what types of data are used in the creative process.
Talpa’s CIPs are understood as innovation journeys that consist of specific steps (“‘stages”) and decision-making moments (“gates”). Juxtaposing the presumably less structured creative process with the more standardized stage-gate process helps identify when and how (big) data does and might support actors with inspiration during the idea journey. As creative practices are notoriously difficult to explicate due to the elusive nature of creativity and inspiration, WP1 aims to answer the following research questions:
- What do Talpa’s CIPs look like?
- How can these processes be translated into a sequential innovation model?
- Where in the CIPs do and might (big) data inspire and support format innovation?